The Afri Bar


Updated April 28, 2024
In response to published reports on the decline of the gay community in favor of the LGBTQ community there is an intended purpose behind the Afri Bar and a part of that purpose is to preserve the gay community and the attributes associated with the gay community.
The intended demographics of the Afri Bar in the opinion of the Afri Bar to our knowledge many have never frequented or experienced such a venue as the Afri Bar as many venues aimed at gay Black and African American men have been referred to as ghetto the Afri Bar itself is not a ghetto establishment as the Afri Bar, LLC, views such an opinion to be a perception of another.
In response to the Boy's Town controversy in accordance with the law the Afri Bar notwithstanding the Afri Community Days at our sole discretion is a “boys town environment” meant to preserve the gay culture for gay African American and Black men first notwithstanding any Afri Community Days.
Currently, portions of or all the Afri Bar on any given day to include Friday and Saturday especially, may be designed, designated, and reserved for the environment of a Boy's Town as our way of preserving a gay environment and culture and this statement is made notwithstanding any pre advertised Afri Community Days which is at the sole discretion of the Afri Bar, LLC.